Constantin Entertainment

Olaf verbessert die Welt

Olaf makes the world a better place!

Olaf Schubert discovers new inventions in this high-powered show. He performs highly complicated and dangerous scientific experiments with his peers, to make the world a better place – on the spot!

Olaf Schubert is the wonder in a sweater vest, referee between culture and cutbacks, do-gooder, purveyor of what's right in the world, relentless admonisher, comedian, shock lyricist and songwriter… he's the stick between the tentacles of big industry, the spiritual runway for the philosophical airships of the future and verbal acrobat. He may be underweight, but he's gifted. He selflessly offers his message to the needy, talks about sex, sings about pole vaulting, rhymes social ills, and even dances if need be. He plays guitar and Chinese checkers, he was a pedicurist and mathematician, and if he ever needs to be crumby, he'd be a cookie.

  • Timeslot: THU 11:30 PM
  • Genre: Comedy
  • Duration: 30 min (net)
  • Produced: 2013 - 2016
  • Das Erste
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