Constantin Entertainment

Bully macht Buddy

The Sitcom with Michael Bully Herbig

In his first sitcom, we follow Michael Bully Herbig as himself, as he directs and produces "Buddy". 

This six-part series is all about the creation of the film. The script is finished but just as filming is about to start Bully is experiencing extreme stress: money is running out and he hasn't even hired any actors! Even so, Bully does his best to make sure the film gets finished. Help arrives in the form of his good friend Rick Kavanian, however Bully only realises how much he's neglected his girlfriend Nina (played by Sandra Koltai) when she moves out of the apartment.  Rick to the rescue! Without asking Rick gets his sister Aida (Gisa Flake) to move in with Bully so he doesn't have to be alone.  Aida's very particular and pushy manner throws Bully into chaos, so that from episode to episode it gets increasingly more difficult for Bully to get his film done. Bully's life suddenly goes completely out of control...

Constantin Entertainment, in cooperation with herbX, produced the first German sitcom in American style: rehearsed Monday to Thursday, with Friday the entire show filmed before a live studio audience of 180. Each episode stars celebrity guests, such as: Sarah Connor, Sasha, Wigald Boning, Elyas M’Barek, Steven Gätjen and Boss Hoss.

"Bully macht Buddy" premiered 18 November 2013, Mondays on ProSieben at 9:15pm.

  • Timeslot: MON 9:15 PM PM
  • Genre: Sitcom
  • Duration: 23 min (net)
  • Produced: 2013
  • ProSieben
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