Constantin Entertainment

Comedy Grenzgänger

"Comedy Grenzgänger" presents immigrant comedians and cabaret artist who get a chance to show their talent in the multicultural comedy scene as they take the stage in Austria. Every week, cabaret artist and pediatric surgeon Omar Sarsam invites four German-speaking comedians from diverse backgrounds to present their stand-up routines to an Austrian audience. Comedy Crossover mixes concepts such as culture clash, integration and Willkommenskultur (welcome culture) with a lot of humor. It’s all about getting everyone to laugh, or, as Omar Sarsam would say, “Machma alle Lachma!” 

The theme music for "Comedy Grenzgänger", “Selbe, Gleiche, Andere” (same, similar, different), is rooted in Omar Sarsam’s cabaret program and was recorded during the PULS 4 production. Almost ten years after his biggest hit, “Disco Disco Party Party,” there’s now a new music video featuring Omar Sarsam, one of the Discoparty Brothers. The formula I+I=II symbolizes the human connection, humor, self-deprecation and a zest for life. The idea: Everyone who is the same, similar, or different makes Austria a little bit richer. "Comedy Grenzgänger" has been started in February on PULS 4.

  • Timeslot: TUE 10:25 PM
  • Genre: Stand-Up Comedy
  • Duration: 45 min (net)
  • Produced: 2019
  • PULS4
  • Country: Austria
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