Constantin Entertainment
Constantin Entertainment

Your Career at Constantin Entertainment

Our Benefits

  • 30 vacation days
  • Subsidized Bistro at Munich location
  • Exclusive employee discounts for many products
  • personal and professional development offers
  • Free drinks
  • Allowance for workplace glasses
  • Kindergarten and daycare subsidies
  • Influenza vaccination and in-house consultation with company physician
  • Frequent events and company parties
  • Staff meetings
  • Dog-friendly office policy


Our current job offers

Note: The job ads are only available in German.

Rechtsreferendariat im Bereich Wirtschaftsrecht mit Schwerpunkt Urheberrecht ab sofort more
Kreditoren-Buchhalter (m/w/d) 01.07.2024 more
Personalreferent mit Schwerpunkt Ausbildung (m/w/d) 01.07.2024 more
Redakteur im Bereich (Comedy-, Quiz-) Show (m/w/d) am Standort Köln ab sofort more
Initiativbewerbung im Bereich Redaktion (m/w/d) ab sofort more
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