Constantin Entertainment

Stars in der Manege

With Jörg Pilawa

Sparkling lights, shining eyes, dazzling performances - that can only mean one thing: SAT.1 is bringing the stars back into the ring. In the spectacular circus cult show, celebrities venture into the world of artistry, acrobatics and other performances.

The magically staged event full of thrills offers entertainment for the whole family: acrobatics under the circus dome, juggling in the ring, dancing on the tightrope. In the renowned Circus Krone in Munich, eight celebrities take on the big challenge in each show: who dares to walk on the trapeze at dizzying heights? Who will amaze the audience with extraordinary body control or magic? Who will elicit a hearty laugh from the audience?

"Stars in der Manege" - 1 January and 1 Febrary 2024 on SAT.1 and on Joyn.

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